
since page opened



trees cut

  • 476
    per second
  • 28,538
    per minute
  • 1,712,328
    per hour
  • 41,095,890
    per day
  • 15 billion
    per year

"Forests are more than just a collection of trees—they are integrated ecosystems and home to some of the most diverse life on Earth. They are also major players in the carbon and water cycles that make life possible. When forests are lost or degraded, their destruction sets off a series of changes that affect life both locally and around the world."

Sources or other links:



new instagram posts

  • 1117
    per second
  • 67,000
    per minute
  • 4,020,000
    per hour
  • 96,480,000
    per day
  • 35.2 billion
    per year

"We all know activity on the internet on a daily basis moves at lightening speed, but there’s something about having the numbers in front of you that makes it just a little bit more fascinating."

The trouble with this visualization was that there were a lot of contradicting sources of information and I had to pick one out of the many available.

Sources or other links:



people starved to death

  • 0.25
    per second
  • 15
    per minute
  • 875
    per hour
  • 21,000
    per day
  • 7,665,000
    per year

"Every day too many men and women across the globe struggle to feed their children a nutritious meal. In a world where we produce enough food to feed everyone, 795 million people – one in nine – still go to bed on an empty stomach each night. Even more – one in three – suffer from some form of malnutrition."

Sources or other links:



tons of food wasted

  • 73
    per second
  • 4,376
    per minute
  • 2,262,557
    per hour
  • 6,301,369
    per day
  • 24.2 billion
    per year

"When we scrape off our dishes after a large meal, too full to finish the remaining scraps on our plate, we rarely pause and think about the significance of our action. It seems routine to us: if we have leftover food scraps that are unfit for eating, shouldn’t they be thrown in the garbage? Our routine practices, unfortunately, make it difficult for us to conceptualize the magnitude of global food waste. The problem is bigger than we think."

Sources or other links:



thousand litres of water

  • 38,812,785
    per second
  • 2.33 billion
    per minute
  • 140 billion
    per hour
  • 3.35 trillion
    per day
  • 1224 trillion
    per year

"Global sea level rose about 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) in the last century. The rate in the last decade, however, is nearly double that of the last century."

Although the information from the source, NASA, focused on change in millimeters I referred to other websites and did some math to convert the numbers into litres for more a poignant effect.

Sources or other links:

"We all know activity on the internet on a daily basis moves at lightening speed, but there’s something about having the numbers in front of you that makes it just a little bit more fascinating."

This data is used for contrast with the more morbid realities of our time.

Sources or other links: